The longest day: Replay

The longest day: replay, 2009
Interactive installation: LED lights, Arduino microcontroller, computer, target surface of barium sulphate.

Created for Feedback Festival – Interacto ergo sum “The longest day: Replay” is an interactive installation that connects the observer to the different intensities and colors of sunlight.

On the 21st June Marco Brianza has recorded with a luxmeter and a color meter the intensity and the hue of the sunlight during the whole day. Using a special LED lamp controlled by a computer, the spectator can select and reproduce the light of a specific moment of the longest day of the year, projecting it on a white cube that becomes base for the sole light.

The title of the installation relates to the four photographic works by Jan Dibbest “The shortest day”. This work by Marco Brianza can be considered a photograph of the light and its reproduction; for Dibbets himself: “A photograph does not reproduce an image. It records variations of light”. In a traditional photograph it is only represented a proportion of the original light, in this case the reproduction wants to be absolute.

Exhibition: Feedback Festival
Date: June 25th 2009 – June 29th 2009
Location: Teatro Niccolini, San Casciano in Val di Pesa – Italy