Wisteria, Blauregen, Glicine, …, 2016 – Installation, 1x3m, LED modules, wood panels, anemometer, Arduino board.
Photo credits: Karl Tramer
It is composed of 60 cubes that are colour changing LED light pixels, installed in a vertical pattern next to the existing Wisteria plant.
The light of the pixels corresponds to the colours in the photo of a Wisteria plant in bloom.
A software created by the artist makes a light changing effect that dynamically maps the colours of the original image to the pixel matrix on the facade. The speed of the light change is related to an anemometer, so like for a real plant, wind is what makes the image change.
The low resolution light matrix on the Wall will report over time all the pixel of the original high resolution image of the Wisteria, but in a single moment the spectator will just perceive the light mood of this plant.
Exhibition: Wisteria, Blauregen, Glicine, …
Date: March 13th – March 18th 2016 (Luminale 2016)
Location: Frankfurter Westend Galerie – Arndtstraße 12, Frankfurt am Main – Germany
Invitation Card (pdf)
Presentation by Jiaxing Cao and Yue Qiu