Interactive installation: Instagram application, RGB lights, computer, target building.
#rgbrecolor is an installation that connects the urban space with the virtual space of the Internet using light: the color of a picture published online becomes the color of a window of the building hosting the installation.
#rgbrecolor, presented at RGB Light Experience “LIGHTSCAPES”in Rome in December 2019, intervened in the the city landscape by transforming a residential building of the Tor Pignattara neighbourhood in the “timeline” of a social network. #rgbrecolor was an opportunity for interaction with the territory, which gave the inhabitants the chance to play an active role in the festival realisation and the audience the opportunity to dynamically interact with it. Each window of the condominium was illuminated by a special connected lamp, which received information in real time from the Network. The spectators were therefore the designers of this luminous architecture: by posting a photo on Instagram with the tag #rgbrecolor, they actually sent the color to a window in the condominium. The windows thus become the symbolic place of possible exchanges and encounters among people in the different spaces of our experience: physical and virtual, private and public.